Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Section 20 and 17 can anyonwe help please?

with regard to Social Services, can someone please tell me what Section 20 means and also section 17.

Thank you

Section 20 and 17 can anyonwe help please?
section 20 of what? Childrens act?

How can I help an ex marine friend who seems like he wants to talk about his negative military experiences?

He says he's "seen things" but he was never in combat or any thing like that. Can someone tell me what he means by he's "seen things"? Can someone give me an idea of what these things would be exactly so i can better understand him I know little of what men see being in the marines for several years. He seems in pain.I want to help him.

How can I help an ex marine friend who seems like he wants to talk about his negative military experiences?
Just because he has seen things doesn't mean it is a negative military experience.

No one can tell you what "seen things" is that is his memory or visions. If you think he needs help encourage him to go see a professional. If not offer to listen to him without being judgmental.
Reply:I am a Nam vet living on disability. The training and experience a Marine goes thru, there is no such thing as an ex marine, along with the mental exercises required to prepare yourself to kill people takes a serious toll. I was never in real combat in that I fixed fighters and we took a few mortar rounds here and there but that is not what civilians consider combat although I new the next one might get me.

The best advice I can give is shut up and listen. After a while you can make your own decision.
Reply:Maybe he is BSing.
Reply:Only he can explain what that means. And you do not have to be in direct combat to see what a mortar round can do to a person.

Tell him you would like to hear what he has to say, and you will be there for him. Do not judge anything he says or speculate on anything. Just let him know he can talk to you when he's ready.

Learn about active listening.
Reply:Just talk to him. More then likely he doesn't want to talk about it. Just engage in normal conversation and when he feels comfortable, he will open up on his own. Its hard to talk to civilians about a lot of it because civilians just dont have the experience to understand it in general. Just talk about sports, girls or whatever until he feels like it. Forcing him on it isn't usually a good thing. Just be there for him, be a friend, not a councilor.

As for what it was, it could be a lot of things. Even in a base, you still occasionally get rocket attacks, see wounded or dead, or just hear the reports or stories of others.
Reply:Even if he wasn't in combat, he may have seen some criminal, violent, or corrupt acts that have compromised his worldview. You sound like a good friend--the best thing you can do for him is tbe there for him and listen if he decides to open up. If you can, without pressuring him, see if he would be willing to visit his nearest VA (Veteran's Affairs) clinic where counselors are available to help with post-traumatic stress. He can also call Military One Source at 1-800-342-9647 to speak with a counselor 24/7. If his chain of command did a good job, he should already be aware of these resources.

wholesale flowers

Can you all help me find some great love poems?

I am trying to put together a folder of great love poetry for a birthday present for the love of my life. I have included many I have wrote myself over the years, but wanted to break it up with some others, I have found some in the many books of poetry I own. So if you know of a really soppy poem that touches your hearts, please share it with me. Thank you.

Can you all help me find some great love poems?
The Deepest Love I Know Friday, April 11, 2008

When you look into my eyes,

Its a feeling I just cant describe.

You never have to say anything,

because I know just what you're thinking.

I look back on our time spent together,

and I see myself with you forever.

Someday I would love to go through life,

with pride knowing that I'm your wife.

We have gone through alot,

and the memories we share will not be forgot.

I find myself in love more and more each day,

which is why I'd be crushed if you ever went away.

I've learned that life is too short to be sad,

but through our happiness together, I'm glad.

The love that we share is great,

which is why I would forever wait.

Wait until the day comes when you're ready,

to be something more than just going steady.

Cant wait until the day I can go to bed at night,

knowing I'll wake up with you holding onto me so


To be yours forever would be a dream come true,

which is why I want to marry you.

Your eyes have captured my heart,

and that is something I will never part.

Your smile brightens up each day,

which is why I'd be so sad, if you ever went away.

After all of this I'll say it again:

When you look into my eyes,

it's a feeling I just can't describe.

Please promise me we'll stick together through and


and that our love will always be true.

I love you, now, tomorrow, and always,

and I will never ever go away.


What can I do to help the bride to be to get ready for the 1st day of wedding dress shopping?

I am her best friend and maid of honor. We do know where we are shopping, and we do have an appointment, but I just wanted to know if there was any idea's of something extra and special I could do for her

What can I do to help the bride to be to get ready for the 1st day of wedding dress shopping?
get your camcorder and video tape her every move. she's sure to appreciate it! LOL
Reply:I agree with Nice Girl's post. Take lots of pictures and video for her to have some memories to look back on.
Reply:If the store allows it, take pictures of her looking at the dresses and trying them on. That way she can put them in her wedding album
Reply:Just give her your advice/opinion when she asks for it and be honest. :)
Reply:Welcome to the club!!! I am a best friend/maid-of-honor for a wedding this summer. I took my camera, just in case. And it turned out that the bride's mom forgot hers, so it came in handy. I just took lots of pictures of each dress from different angles, so when we were talking about them later, she had pictures to refer to. Be honest in your opinions, but nice and tactful.
Reply:Go online to David's Bridal. They have a great website where you can actually color coordinate the entire bridal party. You are able to add accessories and all! This is great especially if the bride already has an idea of what colors are going to be used for the wedding.
Reply:Be honest and helpful. Also, wedding dresses tend to run smaller in sizes, so be prepared to make her feel better if she is the kind of person that would let that get her down. Make the day fun so you will both remember how great a time you had..and pictures always help.
Reply:If you go to a good place where there will be associates there to help with the tieing and buttoning of all sorts, there's free time for you to take pictures and video's of whatever. If you go to a place where you have to pull dresses off the rack, keep in mind that the dresses do not look flattering when they are on a hanger. Pull some that she may think that she may not like. I know a couple of dresses that I thought I wouldnt like ended up being some on my tops list. This day is going to wear her out. She will be extremely exhausted once all of the fittings are over. I suggest going out to a nice relaxing lunch/dinner afterwards with not a lot of hype. Just something to relax and wind down from all of the hoop-la. She will be mentally drained as well (from trying to figure out whether or not she likes or doenst like).
Reply:If she gets tired from trying on dresses, stop, take a break and go and have lunch. Trying on too many dresses is confusing. Give her honest feedback but in a positive manner. And have fun!
Reply:I agree, if the stores will let you (and this policy varies by store), make sure that tons of pictures are taken.

Also, she's likely to be excited, so try to have a handle on things- make sure she's wearing a strapless bra before she leaves the house, maybe bring a pair of heels, if she wants, though this is less important since most of the dresses she tries on will be too long even with heels, unless she's very very tall. Bring a bottle or two of water - running around with big heavy dresses on can be dehydrating, and she'll be distracted enough that she may not notice. On another practical note, be ready to hold "bustles" at the back of her dress, to fix linings and make sure the dress is falling well for all of those pictures (assuming someone else is holding the camera).

Also, keep an eye on her - you are her best friend, and you know if something's wrong, so be a little watchful and be ready to make a suggestion or ask her how she's feeling if something seems off. I went to stores where sometimes I didn't 'click' with the salesperson very well, and I didn't really feel comfortable (enjoy) having her help me in and out of dresses. My bridesmaids picked up on this, and they stepped in (without actually saying anything) and soft of took over - which made that particular experience much nicer.

Going out for breakfast beforehand, or lunch or dessert after, with whoever is going shopping with you ladies, can also be a really great way to kick back a little and enjoy the day - instead of acting like you're on a mission. This is her first trip, she does not have to make any decisions today, so just have fun with her. Play.

I need help writing a letter to my child's teachers?

I need help writing a letter to my child's teachers about homework.

I need help writing a letter to my child's teachers?
I wrote a nasty letter to my child's teacher, assoc. principle, and counselor today

You know what

No one really cares.........................
Reply:Why don't you set up a meeting with them and talk face to face. Letter writing is a waste of time compared to what can be accomplished in a quarter of the time in face to face discussion. In addition, you are more likely to get your point across if you show that you care enough about it to come in person!

Reply:You will get much futher with the teacher if you give her a call or email. Be kind and you will be treated the same way. Being nasty just makes the teacher or any other human being feel angry and disrespected. The Golden Rule should reign in this situation: "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you"
Reply:Just express your concerns and questions honestly. If you have too much trouble writing a letter, it would be best to go in yourself and talk to the teachers, so then you know that they understand.

What about the homework is it that is a problem?
Reply:write them and email, and express your concerns honestly, but do not be rude. say things like "I understand that..... but I was wandering why....." do not blame anything on anybody. If you offend the teacher, that's really bad. don't say anything that might suggest that they are a bad teacher.
Reply:Lack of homework? Too much? The subject? Whats the problem exactly?
Reply:What is the situation exactly?
Reply:just expreess your true feelings

I am trying to install a combi boiler baxi 105e. I do not have the installation manual can anybody help.?

I have recently acquired a combi boiler baxi 105e and would like to install it my house. However, i do not have an installation manual does anybody have one or can they advise me where i can buy one.

I am trying to install a combi boiler baxi 105e. I do not have the installation manual can anybody help.?
look on google and type installation manual for____ and sometime they have them

state flower

Have you ever heard of photography being used to help recuperating stroke victims?

How did they use photography?

Have you ever heard of photography being used to help recuperating stroke victims?
no never heard of it, interesting........

my geuss is its got something to do with stimulating the left/right hemispheres and the cortex or something

Reply:No... I can imagine stroking could be quite beneficial for some photography victims though...

Art yes, not photography. I guess it's all about giving people something fun and interesting to concentrate on and stimulate their brains.